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Liver, Pancreas, Biliary Diseases

Liver Major liver resections are undertaken routinely for primary cancers of the liver and the biliary tree. For single or dual segment liver diseases laparoscopic liver surgery is done.
Liver cyst- Hepatic cysts like hydatid cyst of the liver are mostly done laparoscopically.

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Liver Cirrhosis & Liver Transplant

Liver cirrhosis or chronic liver parenchymal disease (CLD) is a fibrotic condition of the liver leading to end-stage liver failure. The common causative factors are hepatitis virus (HBV, HBC), alcohol consumption and obesity (Non-alcoholic steatohepatis or NASH). Among rare causes of cirrhosis is Wilson disease, autoimmune etc.

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Laparoscopic Surgeries

The unit operates with two fully equipped laparoscopic suites, which are also equipped with advanced equipment like Harmonic Scalpel, Argon laser, endoscopic stapling devices and endoscopic suturing devices.

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Gastro-Intestinal Oncology (Cancers of Digestive tract)

The department works in close association with the Department of Oncology. Management of cancers is handled based on protocols already in place.

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